Urban Analytics

Urban environments face several challenges, such as the rising population, high pollution, an increase in unsustainable mobility options, among others. To employ an urban analytics approach plays a crucial role to tackle them. We know now how to measure and store great volumes of data. To utilize the power of these data, we must apply relevant tools and make sense of the results.


We are a cross-disciplinary research venue, acting to integrate scientific research in technology, innovation and public policy, striving to promote the sustainable application of science. Institutionally, IN+ operates at Técnico Lisboa.

Our activities bring together researchers from various research areas – from Engineering to the Social and Economic Sciences – who join efforts to achieve a sustainable society, by cooperating with industry and fostering a scientific culture in our spaces, fellows and communities.

Particularly, research in Industrial Ecology and Sustainability aims to improve urban sustainability through the design of complex sustainable systems that help understand and model the links among: population dynamics, energy and materials’ usage, ecosystem services, environmental impacts of human activities, economic growth.

More info: http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/